Architecture In Review: Witt Architecture Office — Positive Energy

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Architecture In Review: Witt Architecture Office

Greetings building science enthusiasts! 

witt architecture office logo

Hope your respective summers have been great and now that the autumn season is getting underway, we hope you are taking the time to enjoy the built world around you. A lot of energy, time, and exertion went into designing and creating the homes and buildings we spend almost all our time in each day. The design details make a huge difference in quality for a home or building and it takes an architect with the right kind of wisdom, skill, and experience. That's exactly what our friend Scott Witt brings to the table. 

Scott is a registered Architect in the State of Texas and Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC) and when he's not designing excellent houses, sometimes he helps us design construction details for our clients. He's also been a guest on The Building Science Podcast. He's an all around great guy to know and have on your side when it comes to thoughtful and intelligent home design. His work is truly where building science and architecture collide. 

Check out his work for yourself. Give him a ring and ask him what differentiates his process. You won't be disappointed. 


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