Ultrasonics Comes to Market — Positive Energy

Proud signatories of the Carbon Leadership Forum’s MEP 2040 Challenge

Design Around People. A Good Building Follows.

The Building Science Podcast

The Building Science Podcast

Ultrasonics Comes to Market

Ultrasonics Comes to Market
Positive Energy

Today’s episode opens up the system of systems that delivers the materials, equipment and tools we use to deliver high quality homes and buildings to ourselves. The focus is on an novel ultrasonic leak detection system. This is potentially game-changing technology that impacts the ability to confidently deliver Passive House quality air control layers. Along the way you’ll learn about the importance of the air barrier and get a glimpse of the vastness of the AEC. This is an expansive episode that covers the human side of what it will take to get us from high quality designs to high performance finished projects - and ultimately to high quality lived experiences for occupants and owners.

If you appreciate the ideas you hear on our podcast, Humid Climate Conference is the conference and the community you’re looking for.

Bernard Hornung

Head of Built Environment, Coltraco Ultrasonics Limited a technology firm in the UK.

Coltraco is manufacturer of a novel and powerful ultrasonic leak detection system. An example of the types of innovative and trailblazing materials equip and tools that Source2050 is brining to the market. Major Bernard Hornung was educated at Ampleforth College and at The RoyalMilitary Academy Sandhurst. He served 15 years in the Irish Guards, firstly as a Platoon Commander in the Battalion and secondly at the Infantry Junior Leaders Battalion. Bernard is fluent in Spanish and in Portuguese Bernard joined Coltraco Ultrasonics In May of 2020 (a good time to switch career focus to air quality and air barriers) as Head of the Built Environment at Coltraco.

John Knapp

Co-founder of Source 2050.

Source 2050 is the first mission-driven, curated marketplace of energy efficient and high
performance building products that lets builders find and purchase the best solutions for their projects. As you’ll hear he’s a force of nature who has done a lot, and played a varied of roles during his time on the planet.


Hosted by Kristof Irwin

Edited by Nico Mignardi

Produced by M. Walker

Nico MignardiComment