Building Science Panel Discussion Announcement — Positive Energy

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Building Science Panel Discussion Announcement

Event: Historic homes, Modern Performance

  • Location: Austin AIA, 801 W. 12th St. Austin Texas 78701

  • Panel: 

    •      Andy Ask, P.E.

    •      Joe Pinnelli

    •      Jennifer Doyle, P.E.

  • Date/Time:  Tuesday, December 12/8/2015, 430-600pm

  • Schedule: Drinks, snacks and networking 430-5pm, panel discussion 5-600pm

  • AIA CEUs, 1 LU/HSW available

Panel Description:

A comfortable, durable, efficient home with excellent IAQ is the goal of every project team. Confidently achieving these performance dimensions in a historic home remodel requires working an integrated design process, based on building science principles that recognize and account for the interactions of the climate, the enclosure and the mechanical systems.  

Upgrading systems and assemblies in historic homes offer unique and often confounding challenges on both the enclosure and mechanical system sides and working in a hot-humid climate zone means the stakes are high to get it right. 

Please join us at AIA for a seminar on applying the basic principles of heating, cooling, dehumidification and ventilation to challenging historical homes projects. Opportunities to share a discussion with speakers that have this depth of experience are rare, don’t miss this one. 

Andy Äsk

Andy Äsk has been called ‘one of the best HVAC minds in the country’ and is the author of the seminal text on mechanical systems for moisture control “H2-No”. He is also an engaging speaker with a sense of humor and a broad building science based perspective on the industry. In his role as consulting engineer in Cape Coral, Florida, he specializes in diagnosing, remediating, and retrofitting of existing HVAC systems for the purpose of improving performance, energy efficiency, and Indoor Air Quality. His work requires a deep understanding of both mechanical system capabilities and their interaction with building enclosures and (typically) humid climates. His practice includes the preparation of MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) design documents. He occasionally writes for trade publications.

Joe Pinnelli, CEO J Pinnelli Company LLC

Joe is a national treasure in the historic retrofit and high performance retrofit community. He is a 36-year veteran general contractor with vast experience in solving problems, suggesting cost effective pathways, coordinating with professionals, resourcing materials, subcontractors and suppliers. A leading authority on restoration protocols, Joe has dedicated his career to increasing the performance of historic structures. He passionately pioneered Green Building and Building Science in Austin by incorporating advanced building practices into all projects whether new construction, renovations, or restoration.

Jennifer Doyle 

Jennifer Doyle is the Principal Engineer, Roofing & Waterproofing Consultant at Engineered Exteriors, PLLC. She has previously owned JCD Consulting, Subconsultant to Jim Whitten Roof Consultants, LLC,  and worked as a staff engineer at Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 

Positive Energy