Building Science Seminar Announcement with Andy Äsk — Positive Energy

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Building Science Seminar Announcement with Andy Äsk

Event: Building Codes & Moisture Control in Humid Climates

  • Location: Austin AIA, 801 W. 12th St. Austin Texas 78701

  • Date/Time:  Wednesday 12/9/2015, 12-1pm

  • Speaker: Andy Äsk, P.E., J.D.

  • AIA CEUs, 1 LU/HSW available

Course Description: 

The need for fresh air in a home is not new. Ever since man brought fire  inside we have recognized the need for ventilation. What is new is the industry commitment to build homes to codes that seek to fully isolate the great outdoors from the indoors. Reliable control layers have many performance benefits as well as many unintended consequences.  This session will address how modern energy and building codes can lead to moisture issues in homes and buildings, especially during part-load conditions, which exist the majority of the time.

Potential health, comfort, durability and sustainability issues with the implementation of code and beyond code practices will be discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of mechanical equipment options and control strategies, understanding the capabilities and limitations of the HVAC system, the benefits of a dedicated dehumidification and why it can be more cost effective than air conditioning alone are each key pieces of understanding for design and construction teams working in hot-humid and mixed-humid climates. 

Andy Äsk has been called ‘one of the best HVAC minds in the country’ and is the author of the seminal text on mechanical systems for moisture control “H2-No”. He is also an engaging speaker with a sense of humor and a broad building science based perspective on the industry. In his role as consulting engineer in Cape Coral, Florida, he specializes in diagnosing, remediating, and retrofitting of existing HVAC systems for the purpose of improving performance, energy efficiency, and Indoor Air Quality. His work requires a deep understanding of both mechanical system capabilities and their interaction with building enclosures and (typically) humid climates. His practice includes the preparation of MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) design documents. He occasionally writes for trade publications.

Positive Energy