You Don't Know What You Don't Know, You Know?
The state of our current housing industry’s understanding and treatment of HVAC systems is in quiet crisis. Systems are routinely installed incorrectly to the detriment of the environment both on a macro scale and on the micro scale of the air quality inside people’s homes. In this episode, Kristof interviews Sean and Ian Harris, the owners of IAQ Texas. You'll hear discussion on why quality duct installation is crucial for good indoor air quality outcomes.
Also, we talk about Aerobarrier. It’s a little sneak peak for our full episode with the CEO of AeroBarrier, Amit Gupta, to be released soon!
Sean & Ian Harris
Sean & Ian with one of their glorious trailers.
Sean Harris has been developing his interest in residential home construction since participating in a remodel project, certified by Austin Energy’s Green Building Program in 2005. With a degree in business administration, Sean combines his interest in green building and knowledge of business systems. Sean oversees the operations of Positive Energy and including product development, quality control, staffing, and marketing/sales. He is also a certified RESNET energy rater and conducts home performance inspections, energy code tests, ECADS, and HERS ratings. His father and business partner, Ian Harris, has worked in many aspects of the residential construction industry for decades and was a Positive Energy consultant in the early days of the company. Together, they run IAQ Texas, offering observation, cleaning, and sealing services across the state of Texas.
Rooted in building science, IAQ Texas was started by testing homes to better understand how they work and how indoor air quality can improve your health and comfort. IAQ Texas has experience in hundreds of new and older homes throughout Central Texas and beyond. They aim to help builders who frequently struggle to seal building envelopes and duct systems, to prevent leaving homeowners, especially in older homes, stuck with poorly sealed houses, discomfort, and IAQ issues. Since the beginning their goal has been to resolve poor indoor air quality issues for both builders and homeowners. The team believes that the greatest possible quality of life indoors can happen by simply improving and protecting the air you breathe.