Ventilation & Virus Transmission Prevention (And Other Topics Too) — Positive Energy

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The Building Science Podcast

The Building Science Podcast

Ventilation & Virus Transmission Prevention (And Other Topics Too)

Ventilation & Virus Transmission (And Other Topics Too)
Positive Energy

How well do we understand the behavior of the novel coronavirus in our homes? What can we do to make our homes healthier? What is a CERV? These questions open the door to a rich exploration of the role of ventilation in healthy indoor environments. And you’ll be surprised to find how intimately connected ventilation is to a future powered by solar PV. Join Kristof as he interviews Ty Newell in a broad exploration of topics relevant to any building science aficionado.

Ty Newell, PhD, P.E.

Professor Emeritus - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Engineer/Owner - Build Equinox


After a distinguished career at one of the country’s finest research institutions, Ty is now the owner/engineer at Build Equinox, focused on developing technologies for sustainable, healthy and comfortable living. They are the company responsible for manufacturing the CERV ("serve") smart ventilation system for residences. He’s an all around brainiac and kind soul.

Graph Mentioned In Episode

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Build Equinox COVID-19 Webinar

Covid-19, the disease cause by SARS-CoV-2 virus is rapidly spreading with new infection growth in the south that is now spreading north. Why didn’t Covid-19 diminish in the summer as did the 1918 Influenza pandemic? Why did Covid-19 spread rapidly in the north during the early spring, while the south was relatively untouched? And why did a summer surge of Covid-19 occur in the south, and is now traveling northward?

A primary reason is insufficient fresh air ventilation in our homes, businesses, schools and public gathering places. In the early spring, northern states with accelerated outbreaks were still cold with residents largely indoors while homes and buildings in southern states were open to the outside. As summer heat in June forced southern state residents into air conditioned buildings, northern state residents were enjoying open windows and outdoor activities. Now, summer heat and humidity is moving north, and along with it, an infection surge as northern state residents head indoors for cooler conditions.

Our webinar discusses the transmission characteristics of Covid-19 based on an Infection Parameter (IP) that is defined by a social distance index and a disease transmission efficiency parameter. Infection parameter greater than 2.7 results in accelerated growth of Covid-19 and IP levels below 2.7 result in decay of the disease. We discuss how much social distancing relative to disease transmission efficiency levels is required to reach an IP level that causes the decay of Covid-19.
Build Equinox guidelines for controlling Covid-19 spread are discussed. These guidelines are based on science and practical:

1) fresh air ventilation until indoor carbon dioxide concentration is below 800ppm.

2) Use air recirculation with increased filtration (MERV11 and higher) to remove viral particles

3) Use UVGI (ultraviolet germicidal irradiation) with air recirculation to further kill airborne virus particles (0.02Wuv per cfm of air flow)

Join us for our brand new webinar and learn more about what you can do to keep your family healthy and safe!

“Build Equinox takes pride in the fact that 100% of the energy used to manufacture the CERV in the Urbana, Illinois headquarters comes from solar panels installed by the employees themselves. Power is provided through a 3.2kW two-axis PV tracker along with a fixed 5.5kW PV system, for approximately 11,500 kWh of energy production.

Our further commitment to sustainability shows in the careful selection of materials used in the CERV, from the recyclable unpainted aluminum housing to the low GWP (Global Warming Potential) refrigerant. Breathe easy knowing that the CERV and Build Equinox are doing their part to build a better, more sustainable future.”

Linsey C. Marr’s NYT Op Ed Piece On The Airborne Nature Of The Coronavirus

“Finally. The World Health Organization has now formally recognized that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, is airborne and that it can be carried by tiny aerosols.

As we cough and sneeze, talk or just breathe, we naturally releasedroplets (small particles of fluid) and aerosols (smaller particles of fluid) into the air. Yet until earlier this month, the W.H.O. — like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or Public Health England — had warned mostly about the transmission of the new coronavirus through direct contact and droplets released at close range...”


Hosted by Kristof Irwin
Edited and Produced by M. Walker

Positive Energy