Through The Looking Glass Of High Performance Windows — Positive Energy

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The Building Science Podcast

The Building Science Podcast

Through The Looking Glass Of High Performance Windows

Through The Looking Glass Of High Performance Windows
Positive Energy

What do we actually know and have available to us in the United States market when it comes to high performance windows? The answers may surprise you. Join Kristof as he interviews Sam McAfee of Zola Windows in a wide ranging conversation of window performance, market dynamics, and the future of high performance windows.

Sam McAfee

Sam McAfee has been a student of green building ever since buying his first Earthship books back in 1988. Since then, he has received an MFA in Sculpture from UC Berkeley, designed web experiences for Gucci, HBO, & Showtime, and launched the green-contracting company Sumner Green that executed one of the first PH retrofit projects in NYC (2010).

Sam MacAfee

He went on to co-found 475 High-Performance Building Supply, co-design the Zola Historic Simulated-DH window being used in many landmarked Passivhaus projects around the country, and started SGbuild Consulting that worked alongside Baxt Ingui Architecture to complete the first certified Passivhaus in Manhattan (2014) and the First Landmarked Passivhaus in NYC (2014). Over the last 4 years, he was co-founder & CTO of, a global window & door marketplace, and designed/developed the permit data analysis portal FenIQ (

He is currently with Zola Windows ( and in charge of their NYC client support & market development and has launched the NYC Low-Carbon Building Social Networking group focused on expanding the reach of high-performance building knowledge into other segments of the NYC real estate market.

Zola Windows

“Zola is committed to offering its customers products that stand apart from the competition. We are continuously innovating and improving our windows and doors to ensure that we can offer the highest performance and quality on the market.  We are proud of the recognition that has brought us in the architectural and building communities.”


Hosted by Kristof Irwin
Edited and Produced by M. Walker

Positive Energy